Tom cox memorial trophy

The Award was established in 2008 in honor of Tom Cox, long time member of the MVOS.  The award is for the Best Phalaenopsis in the Show.

2022 Tom Cox Memorial Trophy for the best Phalaenopsis in the Show– Phal  Penang Girl grown by Bob Hydzik of the Smoky Mountain Orchid Society. Photo by Eric Sauer

Miami Valley Orchid Society

Dayton’s only place for Orchid Expertise

2023 Recipient: Bob Hydzik - Phalaenopsis Penang Girl

2022 Recipient: Chester Kieliszek - Phalaenopsis Kenneth Schubert

2021 No Award

2020 Recipient: Jan Yates - Phal (Sogo Perfume x Caribbean Sunset)

2019 Recipient: Mike Hinshaw - Phalaenopsis Ox Prince

2018 Recipient:  Hilltop Orchids - Phalaenopsis Yu Pin Easter Island

2017 Recipient:  Hilltop Orchids - Phalaenopsis Arakaki

2016 Recipient: Mike Hinshaw - Phalaenopsis amabilis ‘Fancy Pearl’

2016 MAOC Recipient: Mike Hinshaw - Phalaenopsis amabilis

2015 Recipient: Hilltop Orchids - Phalaenopsis Bud Clifford

2014 Recipient: Larry Sanford - Phalaenopsis Jungle Tapestry x San Luca

2013 Recipient: Hilltop Orchids- Phalaenopsis Chian Xen Super Idol

2013 MAOC Recipient: Windswept in Time Orchids - Phalaenopsis heiroglyphica

2012 Recipient: Mike Hinshaw - Phalaenopsis amabilis

2011 Recipient: Mike Hinshaw - Phalaenopsis amabilis

2010 Recipient: Hilltop Orchids - Phalaenopsis Breko Dawnet ‘Lillian Rose’ HCC/AOS

2009 Recipient: New Vision Orchids - Dtps. Sweet Strawberry

2008 Recipient: Screll Jones - Dtps. Yu Pin Lady ‘Sweetheart’